Notes from my clients.
From a client who came to me to work with her relationship with food in general:
“I have been reflecting on this past month and, really, my entire trajectory with the group and I just wanted to share how much I appreciate you.
There are a million reasons why, but there’s one I want to highlight and that is that your guidance has literally changed my relationship with food.
I have always had food issues, stemming from generational disfunction and social pressure. I started dieting in high school and never really stopped, just went through periods of feeling out of control and then periods of restriction. Do I still feel out of shape? Yes. Do I have some really bad days? Absolutely.
But the way I see and use food now is the healthiest I’ve experienced, probably in my lifetime. The sense of peace and calm I now have around food most of the time is such a refreshing and life-affirming change. So THANK YOU, for the education, the encouragement, setting such a positive, healthy example. I am so, so grateful.“ - EB
From a client who came to one of my groups focusing on accountability:
Dana runs groups that are game changing. We’re often pushed out of our comfort and champion each other’s success. In tough moments, she reminds us that there is more in our daily control than we think. The most impactful moment I have had, was when she asked me, “are you having a bad day, or are you having a bad moment in a good day?”. We decide our narrative, and she has a way of truly helping me see what’s in front of me.” - JC
From a client who came to me to work on energy levels, increasing variety of healthy foods, and adapting to a more active lifestyle:
“I have been working with Dana for the past couple of months and it's been so amazing that I honestly don't know where to begin.
As for specifics - Dana met me exactly where I was, and helped me figure out how to shift my life around both nutrition and movement as they relate to a number of complicated and overwhelming challenges: an injury, an auto-immune disease, and some scary health concerns. I was able to balance movement and nutrition and maximize my energy level. I had previously felt tons of muscle soreness, was having trouble sleeping, and experiencing pretty severe energy crashes in the middle of the day. I am now able to eat correctly in accordance with my level of activity, don’t have as much muscle soreness, have much more energy (and know what to do when it dips!), and sleep much, much better.
Beyond the specifics - the way that I think about almost everything has changed. I’ve come to see that just because I didn’t play a sport in high school doesn’t mean I am not an athlete, I have completely changed the way that I think about food, the way that I move, and the way that I think about myself. I have reached a level of empowerment that I honestly would never have believed possible. Most importantly though, I know that I now have an ally when I struggle. That is a priceless gift.” - MM
From a client who came to me to work on foundational needs:
“Without question, this has been one of the hardest times of my life and Dana’s support has challenged me to look at little sustainable changes that have made tremendous impact in my day to day. She challenged me to think more dynamically about my goals and focused my attention on paying attention to basic needs- nutrition, sleep, connection, and movement. We worked on crowding out my diet to include more nutrient-rich foods, incorporated movement that actually felt joyful, and created a morning and evening ritual to connect to myself in a more intentional way. I underestimated the difference this would make in my sleep, my energy levels, and my overwhelm. I am forever grateful for her support.” -EL